Outlook-Workshop - Email aus Word/Excel erstellen Teil 4
Arbeitsblatt mit dem Namen 'E-Mail' | |||
A | B | C | |
1 | männlich | X | max@mustermann.de |
2 | |||
3 | Max Mustermann |
Zelle | Schriftart | Schriftgröße | Extras/Unterstrichen | Inhalt |
A3 | Arial Narrow [Fett, Kursiv] | 14 | Einfach | Max Mustermann |
Option Explicit
Sub Email_versenden()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim strAnrede As String
Dim strName As String
Dim strFntClr As String
Dim strFntNme As String
Dim strFntWht As String
Dim strFntSiz As String
Dim strFntStl As String
Dim strFntUdl As String
Rem Festlegung der Anrede
If Worksheets("E-Mail").Range("A1").Value = "männlich" Then
strAnrede = "Sehr geehrter Herr "
ElseIf Worksheets("E-Mail").Range("A1").Value = "weiblich" Then
strAnrede = "Sehr geehrte Frau "
Exit Sub
End If
strName = Range("A3").Value
Rem Auslesen der Schriftgestaltung
strFntClr = FarbeInHtml(Range("A3").Font.Color)
strFntNme = Range("A3").Font.Name
strFntSiz = Range("A3").Font.Size
strFntWht = IIf(Range("A3").Font.Bold, "bold", "standard")
strFntStl = IIf(Range("A3").Font.Italic, "italic", "standard")
Rem Erstellen der Email
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With olApp.CreateItem(0)
.To = Worksheets("E-Mail").Range("C1").Value
.Subject = "Ihre Anforderung"
.htmlBody = strAnrede & "<span style='color:" & strFntClr & "; " & _
"font-family:" & strFntNme & "; font-size:" & strFntSiz & _
"pt; font-weight:" & strFntWht & "; font-style:" & strFntStl & _
";'>" & strName & "</span>,<br><br>" & _
"anbei gewünschte Unterlagen.<br><br>" & _
"Mit freundlichen Grüßen,<br>Emil Bergbauer"
End With
End Sub
Public Function FarbeInHtml(ByVal lngRGB As Long) As String
FarbeInHtml = Right$("000000" & Hex$(lngRGB), 6)
FarbeInHtml = "#" & Right$(FarbeInHtml, 2) & Mid$(FarbeInHtml, 3, 2) & Left$(FarbeInHtml, 2)
End Function